Ai Manara : The Light House

An immersive exhibition that explores the relationship between human civilization and Artificial Intelligence

AI Manara is an immersive exhibition that guides us through the various stages of life, illustrating how AI accompanies humans in their evolution.

Top-down 3D render of the AI Manara exhibition, including zoning and legends for different spaces

The scenography is designed as a fragmented black maze that leads spectators through different eras.

The journey reflects the cycles of life, from birth to childhood and from adulthood to legacy. AI now assists humans in various fields of everyday life: science, education, arts, and more.

Each space fosters a dialogue between an AI artist, a leading innovator, and a sociologist, who share and confront their visions.

Conceived as a growing digital organism, the scenography evolves alongside the visitor's path, like a living environment.

3D interior view of the AI Manara exhibition's black box space, showing a woman interacting with a digital panel in a high-tech environment

It interacts with them through generative art software in real time.

Inside the AI Manara exhibition, a 3D render showing a man moving through the futuristic black box environment
View of the exit from the AI Manara exhibition at the Global AI Summit, showing the final section of the digital space

For •

Global AI Summit & RA&A

Date •


Creative Concept, Artistic Direction & Spatial Design

Role •

Fabrice Starzinskas (Art direction and curation) and Kamel Ghabte (Media art installation)

With •


Location •

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GAIS 2022